The final problem in my list of ten open problems in computational diversity
linguistics touches upon a phenomenon that most linguists, let alone
ordinary people, might not have even have heard about. As a result, the
phenomenon does not have a real name in linguistics, and this makes it even more
difficult to talk about it.
Semantic promiscuity, in brief, refers to the
empirical observations that: (1) the words in the lexicon of human languages are often
built from already existing words or word parts, and that (2) the words that are
frequently "recycled", ie. the words that are
promiscuous (similar to the
sense of
promiscuous domains in biology, see
Basu et al.
2008) denote very common concepts.
If this turns out to be true, that the meaning of words decides, at least to some
degree, their success in giving rise to new words, then it should be possible
to derive a
typology of promiscuous concepts, or some kind of
cross-linguistic ranking of those concepts that turn out to be the most
successful on the long run.
Our problem can (at least for the moment, since we still have
problems of completely grasping the phenomenon, as can be seen from the
next section) thus be stated as follows:
Assuming a certain pre-selection of concepts that we assume are
expressed by as many languages as possible, can we find out which of the concepts in
the sample give rise to the largest amount of new words?
I am not completely happy with this problem definition, since a concept does
not actually give rise to a new word, but instead a concept is expressed by a word that is then
used to form a new word; but I have decided to leave the problem in this form for
reasons of simplicity.
Background on semantic promiscuity
The basic idea of semantic promiscuity goes back
to my time as a PhD student in Düsseldorf. My supervisor then was Hans
Geisler, a Romance linguist, with a special interest in sound change and
sensory-motor concepts. Sensory-motor concepts are concepts that are thought
to be grounded in sensory-motor processes. In concrete, scholars assume that
many abstract concepts expressed by many, if not all, languages of the world
originate in concepts that denote concrete bodily experience (
Thus, we can "grasp an idea", we can "face
consequences", or we can "hold a thought". In such cases we express something
that is abstract in nature, but expressed by means of verbs that are originally
concrete in their meaning and relate to our bodily experience ("to grasp", "to
face", "to hold").
When I later met Hans Geisler in 2016 in Düsseldorf, he presented me with an article
that he had recently submitted for an anthology that appeared two years later
Geisler 2018). This article, titled "Sind unsere Wörter
von Sinnen?" (approximate translation of this pun would be: "Are our words out of
the sense?"), investigates concepts such as "to stand" and "to fall" and their
importance for the lexicon of German language. Geisler claims that it is due to the
importance of the sensory-motor concepts of "standing" and "falling" that words
built from
stehen ("to stand") and
fallen ("to fall") are among the most
productive (or promiscuous) ones in the German lexicon.
Words built from fallen and stehen in German. |
I found (and still find) this idea fascinating, since it may explain (if it turns out to hold
true for a larger sample of the world's languages) the structure of a
language's lexicon as a consequence of universal experiences shared among all
Geisler did not have a term for the phenomenon at hand. However, I was
working at the same time in a lab with biologists (led by Eric Bapteste and
Philippe Lopez), who introduced me to the idea of
domain promiscuity in
biology, during a longer discussion about similar processes between linguistics and
biology. In our paper reporting our discussion of these similarities, we proposed that
the comparison of
word formation processes in linguistics and
assembly processes in biology could provide fruitful analogies for future
investigations (
List et al. 2016: 8ff). But we did not (yet)
use the term
promiscuity in the linguistic domain.
Geisler's idea, that the success of words to be used to form other words in the
lexicon of a language may depend on the
semantics of the original terms, changed
my view on the topic completely, and I began to search for a good term to denote
the phenomenon. I did not want to use the term "promiscuity", because of its
original meaning.
Linguistics has the term "productive", which is used for
particular morphemes that can be easily attached to existing words to form new
ones (eg. by turning a verb into a noun, or by turning a noun into an
adjective, etc.). However, "productivity" starts from the form and ignores the
concepts, while concepts play a crucial role for Geisler's phenomenon.
At some
point, I gave up and began to use the term "promiscuity" in lack of a better term,
first in a blogpost discussing Geisler's paper (
2018, available
here). Later in 2018, Nathanael E. Schweikhard, a doctoral student in our research
group, developed the idea further, using the term
semantic promiscuity
Schweikhard 2018, available
here), which
considers my tenth and last open problem in computational diversity linguistics
(at least for 2019).
In the discussions with Schweikhard, which were very fruitful, we also learned
that the idea of
expansion and
attraction of concepts comes close to the idea of semantic promiscuity. This references Blank's
2003) idea that some concepts tend to frequently attract new
words to express them (think of concepts underlying taboo, for simplicity),
while other concepts tend to give rise to many new words ("head" is a good
example, if you think of all the meanings it can have in different concepts),. However, since Blank is interested
in the form, while we are interested in the concept, I agree with Schweikhard in sticking with "promiscuity" instead of adopting Blank's term.
Why it is hard to establish a typology of semantic promiscuity
Assuming that certain cross-linguistic tendencies can be found that would confirm the
hypothesis of semantic promiscuity, why is it hard to do so?
I see three major obstacles here: one related to the data, one related to
annotation, and one related to the comparison.
The data problem is a problem of sparseness. For most of the languages for which
we have lexical data, the available data are so sparse that we often even have
problems to find a list of 200 or more words. I know this well, since we were
struggling hard in a phylogenetic study of Sino-Tibetan languages, where we ended up
discarding many interesting languages because the sources did not provide enough
lexical data to fill in our wordlists (
Sagart et al. 2019).
In order to investigate semantic promiscuity, we need substantially more data
than we need for phylogenetic studies, since we ultimately want to investigate
the structure of
word families inside a given language and compare these
structures cross-linguistically. It is not clear where to start here, although it is
clear that we cannot be exhaustive in linguistics, as biologists can be when
sequencing a whole gene or genome. I think that one would need, at least, 1,000 words
per language in order to be able to start looking into semantic promiscuity.
The second problem points to the annotation and the analysis that would be
needed in order to investigate the phenomenon sufficiently. What Hans Geisler
used in his study were larger dictionaries of German that are digitally
available and readily annotated. However, for a cross-linguistic study of semantic
promiscuity, all of the annotation work of word families would still have to be
done from scratch.
Unfortunately, we have also seen that the algorithms for
automated morpheme detection that have been proposed today usually fail
greatly when it comes to detecting morpheme boundaries. In addition, word
families often have a complex structure, and parts of the words shared across
other words are not necessarily identical, due to numerous processes involved in
word formation. So, a simple algorithm that splits the words into potential
morphemes would not be enough. Another algorithm that identifies
language-internal cognate morphemes would be needed; and here, again, we are still
waiting for convincing approaches to be developed by computational linguists.
The third problem is the comparison itself, reflects the problem of
comparing word-family data across different languages. Since every language has
its own structure of words and a very individual set of word families, it is not
trivial to decide how one should compare annotated word-family data across
multiple languages. While one could try to compare words with the same meaning
in different languages, it is quite possible that one would miss many
potentially interesting patterns, especially since we do not yet know how (and
if at all) the
idea of promiscuity features across languages.
Traditional approaches
Apart from the work by Geisler (2018), mentioned above, we find some interesting
studies on word formation and compounding in which scholars have addressed some
similar questions. Thus, Steve Pepper has submitted (as far as I know) his PhD
thesis on
The Typology and Semantics of Binomial Lexemes (
2019, draft
where he looks into the structure of words that are frequently constructed from
two nominal parts, such as "windmill", "railway", etc.
In her masters thesis titled
Body Part Metaphors as a Window to Cognition,
Annika Tjuka investigates how terms for objects and landscapes are created with
help of terms originally denoting body parts (such as the "foot" of the table,
etc., see
Tjuka 2019).
Both of these studies touch on the idea of semantic promiscuity, since they
try to look at the lexicon from a concept-based
perspective, as opposed to a pure form-based one, and they also try to look at patterns that might emerge when
looking at more than one language alone. However, given their respective focus
(Pepper looking at a specific type of compounds, Tjuka looking at body-part
metaphors), they do not address the typology of semantic promiscuity in general,
although they provide very interesting evidence showing that lexical
semantics plays an important role in word formation.
Computational approaches
The only study that I know of that comes close to studying the idea of semantic promiscuity
computationally is by
Keller and Schulz
In this study, the authors analyze the distribution of morpheme family sizes in
English and German across a time span of 200 years. Using Birth-Death-Innovation
Models (explained in more detail in the paper), they try to measure the dynamics
underlying the process of word formation. Their general finding (at least for
the English and German data analyzed) is that new words tend to be built from
those word forms that appear
less frequently across other words in a given
language. If this holds true, it would mean that speakers tend to avoid words
that are already too promiscuous as a basis to coin new words for a given
language. What the study definitely shows is that any study of semantic
promiscuity has to look at competing explanations.
Initial ideas for improvement
If we accept that the corpus perspective cannot help us to dive deep
into the semantics, since semantics cannot be automatically inferred
from corpora (at least not yet to a degree that would allow us to
compare them afterwards across a sufficient sample of languages), then we
need to address the question in smaller steps.
For the time being, the idea that a larger amount of the words in the lexicon
of human languages are recycled from words that originally express specific
meanings remains a hypothesis (whatever those meanings may be, since the idea of sensory motor
concepts is just one suggestion for a potential candidate for a semantic
field). There are enough alternative explanations that
could drive the formation of new words, be it the frequency of recycled
morphemes in a lexicon, as proposed by Keller and Schulz, or other factors that
we still not know, or that I do not know, because I have not yet read the
relevant literature.
As long as the idea remains a hypothesis, we should first try to find ways
to test it. A starting point could consist of the collection of larger
wordlists for the languages of the world (eg. more than 300 words per
language) which are already
morphologically segmented. With such a corpus,
one could easily create word families, by checking which morphemes are re-used
across words. By comparing the concepts that share a given morpheme, one could
try and check to which degree, for example, sensory-motor concepts form
clusters with other concepts.
All in all, my idea is far from being concrete; but what seems
clear is that we will need to work on larger datasets that offer word
lists for a sufficiently large sample of languages in morpheme-segmented
Whenever I try to think about the problem of semantic promiscuity, asking
myself whether it is a real phenomenon or just a myth, and whether a typology
in the form of a world-wide ranking is possible after all, I feel that my brain is
starting to itch. It feels like there is something that I cannot really grasp
(yet, hopefully), and something I haven't really understood.
If the readers of
this post feel the same way afterwards, then there are two possibilities as to why you might
feel as I do: you could suffer from the same problem that I have whenever I try
to get my head around semantics, or you could just have fallen victim of a
largely incomprehensible blog post. I hope, of course, that none of you will suffer from anything; and I will be glad for any additional
ideas that might help us to understand this matter more properly.
Basu, Malay Kumar and Carmel, Liran and Rogozin, Igor B. and Koonin,
Eugene V. (2008) Evolution of protein domain promiscuity in
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Blank, Andreas (1997) P
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Keller, Daniela Barbara and Schultz, Jörg (2014) Word formation is aware of morpheme family size.
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List, Johann-Mattis and Pathmanathan, Jananan Sylvestre and Lopez,
Philippe and Bapteste, Eric (2016) Unity and disunity in evolutionary
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List, Johann-Mattis (2018) Von Wortfamilien und promiskuitiven Wörtern [Of word families and promiscuous words].
Von Wörtern und Bäumen 2.10. URL:
Pepper, Steve (2019)
The Typology and Semantics of Binominal Lexemes: Noun-noun Compounds and their Functional Equivalents.
University of Oslo: Oslo.
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Schweikhard, Nathanael E. (2018) Semantic promiscuity as a factor of productivity in word formation.
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Tjuka, Annika (2019)
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