
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Blog anniversary: 5 years

The first post was put up on this blog on Saturday, February 25 2012, which makes today the fifth anniversary.

First blog header

By my reckoning, this is the 469th blog post, not all of them written by me, of course; but this makes an average of one post for every 3.9 of the 1,827 days. I have never counted the number of actual words, but if I had ever contemplated that number then I probably would never have started.

Second blog header

It is rather tricky to estimate the readership, because of the number of blog hits that clearly come from robots. However, even trying to take that into account, I get an estimate just short of 500,000 pageviews over the 5 years.

Third blog header

So, thanks to everyone for dropping by. If you ever feel inclined to re-read any of the old posts, then they are grouped roughly by topic in the "Pages" at the top of the right-hand column.

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